Caleb Awaje

There is a new breed of experience seekers on SkilledUp Life.

A Volunteer Term is typically 3 months long with a 1 to 3-hour commitment per day. This was designed to be nonintrusive to help the world’s adult population to gain experience to improve their career prospects so that they improve their chance of landing their dream job, as demonstrated by Elise Singleton back in 2021 and so many others before and after.

Nonintrusive means our community members can continue what they are doing in addition to taking part in gaining experience through us and our early-stage tech startup customers. This means not having to stop the current job, degree or course they are undertaking, etc.

3 months equates to 60 days of gaining experience with having the weekends off. The new breed of talent wants to speed this up by continuing nonstop, i.e. they do not want to take the weekends off. Let me introduce the first two members who are on the fast track.

İrem Yücel and Caleb Awaje well done in setting this new trend.

The size of our community is now 13,409

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