We are on target to reach 1000 volunteers by 26th July 2021 if we could maintain the current rate of growth. We reached 500 volunteer signups a few days ago.

SkilledUp Life now has 500 volunteers

We now have to sign up another 500 volunteers within less than 2.5 months, which looks like a daunting task to say the least, given how long it took us to reach 500 volunteer signups.

Once we have achieved 1000 volunteer signups, we want to change the focus to quality of engagement. To start with we want to focus on promoting volunteers who we consider as providing great outcomes for companies who use our service on regular basis.

We will start by focusing on three areas:

  • Completeness of the volunteer profile
  • Number of volunteer projects completed
  • Level of professionalism

We will play more attention to the level of professionalism. At a basic level, this means:

  • Delivering agreed outcomes on time.
  • Not giving up on a project due to paid work elsewhere.
  • Not miss on attending meetings.
  • Collaborating with other team members positively.

As we get closer to the time of implementing this, I will share more details. In the meantime, you can focus on completing your volunteer profile. Please make sure:

  • About me section gives a brief introduction to you and the type of opportunities you are interested in.
  • Provide details of educational qualifications you have.
  • Provide details of any work experience you have.
  • Provide skills you have and show level of competence as a percentage.
  • Tag with relevant keywords.
  • Upload your picture.

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