Hanif Nur Cahyani

About Me

I am a graduate of the informatics engineering study program majoring in computer science Universitas Negeri Semarang in 2022. During my studies I was active in campus organizations including as a secretary at BPH Ilkom and as a member of the journalism division in the screenshots of Ikom. I also actively take part in classes outside of college such as online classes from Dicoding Academy and DQLab Academy, in this class I learn about AWS Cloud and Data Science with Python. I once did an internship at BKPSDM Sragen as Field Staff and I also worked at Vads as Customer Service for Shopee for one month. I actively write on my personal blog which I created via WordPress with articles, poems, short stories and some quotes. for that I am very interested in learning and developing my writing skills through the volunteer program for content writers.


Bachelor's Degree of Computer Science 2018 to 2022

Universitas Negeri Semarang

I am majoring Informatic Engineering study program

Work & Experience

Staff at BKPSDM Sragen


02/01/2021 - 03/05/2021

This job is intership program from campus, this company is a governance company in Sragen and This is the government sector in Sragen. in this field I work as a competency development staff whose job is to screen and input ASN participant data.