Charles Ochanda

About Me

A passionate hard worker determined to tackle any problem presented with an insatiable desire to learn and grow.


MIT certificate 2021


Show drafts A full stack web development course teaches you everything you need to build websites, from the user-facing design (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) to the data processing engine (server-side languages, databases) that makes it all work.

UX design and research 2023


A UX design and research course dives into understanding users (through research methods) and translating those insights into user-friendly interfaces (through design principles), helping you craft products that are accessible, functional, and enjoyable.

Work & Experience

Social media manager and Community ordinator


01/17/2024 - 03/20/2024

My internship exposed me to the world of social media management and community building. I helped plan engaging content for social media platforms, and I also played a role in fostering a positive and interactive online community – think of it as both strategizing what to say and nurturing the audience itself.


UX?UI design
Graphic design
Social media marketing