Jane Ivana

About Me

I am a hard-working and as a task-oriented person, i am eager to learn new things and forcing myself beyond my limits. I really resonate with “seek discomfort” types and collaborating on audio/music. I enjoy a balance life between pursuing education, jobs and a sense of art&nature. Currently I’m studying at Binus University,Indonesia and I’m open to freelance/internship & remote jobs where as now I learned some of the basics of Java, Python and SQL server. Cheers 🙂


Binus Univeristy 2022-2026

Business Analytics

I'm currently on the third semester

Sound Engineering and Music Production 2019-2021

SSR Jakarta

Associate Diploma for Mixing, masteing and live sound audio

Work & Experience

Live Sound Engineer

FabsterBrew Bar, Jakarta, Indonesia

05/01/2021 - 06/30/2021

Handling live jazz music on the spot with musicians. I had this internship only for a month because of the rising pandemic that had been going at Indonesia (government restrict public places to open for 2-3 months later)

Mixing Engineer

Francis School BSD

11/01/2021 - 02/14/2024

Mixing,mastering students' cover project for Christmas and helping as a teacher's assistant

BNFC activist Design and Documentation

Binus Finance Club

10/01/2022 - 12/01/2023

Design and Documentation Activist. Participated in Invest 101 program.

Information system project member

School of Information System Binus

10/01/2024 - 10/01/2025

Information System Project Member (ISPM) @SIS Binus. Recently learning on web development using HTML,CSS,Javascript tools.


Audio skills
Business Analyst
Project management