Wiktoria Romek

About Me

Portfolio: https://www.wiktoriaromek.com/
Other work: https://dribbble.com/WRomek

Do you have an idea for a product you want to launch and need help getting it there? Or do you already have a product but want to improve it to meet the needs of your users? Contact me, I’m sure we can make some great stuff together 🙂

I focus on creating high-quality, unique, and easy-to-use mobile applications and websites. Depending on your needs, I can create a new product from scratch or redesign an existing one.

The Process 

Discovery –  This is where your product design comes into play. We discuss competitors in your space and make sure we are creating a one-of-a-kind product for your users.
Build –  This phase is dedicated to the building of your product. This is where I make sure I address your users’ pain points by coming up with a list of features, building wireframes, prototypes and conducting usability studies, so that the final mockups are user-friendly and pixel-perfect.
Launch –  Validate and test.
Review – This is the stage where we go over the designs and I make the changes you request.

Tools: Figma, Adobe XD, Wix

Language: English, Polish

I’m very flexible so if you have any questions or if you feel like my design process is not applicable to you, just send me a message and I’m sure we can come up with something 🙂


Google UX design specialization 2022



Work & Experience

UX designer freelancer



Usability Studies
Adobe XD