Santiago Gutierrez Gonzalez

About Me

Hello, my name is Santiago Gutierrez Gonzalez. I am a young and energetic person who believes that learning is a fundamental part of living a fulfilling life. That is why I am always interested in taking on new projects to acquire new knowledge and improve as a person and developer on a daily basis. I am aware of my weaknesses and strive to improve them by putting my best attitude towards my job and studies. I believe that by doing so, I am living life to the fullest. My goal is to become the best software engineer that my abilities will allow me to be, therefore, I have an ongoing competition with myself to always be better than I was yesterday.  Currently, I am searching for a project that will allow me to learn part-time while I continue my college studies in Software Engineering. This would involve working approximately 3-4 hours per day.

My ultimate goal as a software developer is to create a project that will improve people’s quality of life, with a specific focus on promoting better mental health, helping individuals to accept and understand themselves.


The Complete JavaScript Course 2022: From Zero to Expert! 2022


This is a course that includes all of the fundamentals of Javascript such as: 1-Basic concepts: variables, data types, operators, control flow, loops, and functions 2-Object-oriented programming: classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism 3-Document Object Model (DOM): manipulating HTML and CSS using JavaScript 4-Front-end libraries 5-Asynchronous programming: promises, async/await 6-Data storage: local storage, session storage, and browser databases. 7-Debugging and testing techniques 8-ES6+: new features and syntax introduced in ECMAScript 6 and later versions.

Bachelor´s Degree in Software Engineering Ongoing

Tecnologico de Monterrey-ITESM

I am studying software engineering at the Tecnologico de Monterrey, which is considered the 100th best university for studies in computer science and information technologies worldwide, and the 5th best overall university in Latin America. Talking about me as a student, during my last semester, I achieved a GPA of 98/100.

Other courses 2021

Udemy, freeCodeCamp, CodeCademy,Edx

I have completed the following programming courses in the order shown: EDx- Computer Science 101 by Stanford Codecademy-Learn Javascript Udemy-Programming for beginners, first steps freeCodeCamp-JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects Udemy-Build Responsive Real-World Websites with HTML and CSS

English C1 PTE 2022

Pearson Academy

I certified myself as a C1 in English.

Work & Experience

Creation of PrepAppsTec project


08/06/2021 - 11/21/2023

During this period I had to improve my C++ understanding and start developing the project taking in account all the real life variables.

Tourist Guide and Translator

Brandsport and ECOTAM

01/22/2021 - 07/31/2023

Although this experience may not be technology-related, it has been a highly beneficial aspect in the development of my soft skills. During these months, I had the opportunity to work with large groups of people from all around the world. During the first few months, I was working in Mexico where I had to assist clients with solving their problems while they were visiting the country in a horse trip where we would ride and visit cities. Additionally, I helped them communicate with locals by translating. Then, in May, I went to Belgium to work at Brandsport as a guide/instructor where I interacted with around 100 different clients every day. During this time, I was able to speak in English, Spanish, and French


Project Leader
Problem Solving


Winner of the PrepAppsTec National 2021
PrepAppsTec was a competition in 2021 in which, using C++, we had to develop a solution to address an active social issue using technology. Our team placed fourth out of 2660 competing teams, comprised of around 7980 students.
Math Alexander Grothendieck National Contest Finalist (top 10th) 2021
The Alexander Grothendieck Contest is organized by the Tecnologico de Monterrey. It is a competition for senior students where they are presented with unconventional mathematical problems and must develop solutions for them.