Rachel Angeline Prasetya

About Me

I consider myself a walking foodie, a big nerd, and a creative mastermind that has a great passion for improving digital experiences to help people’s lives. I also like getting to know new people and indulge in new experiences so let’s grab a coffee and discuss possible future collaborations!


Bachelor's degree of UXD-CMD 2019-2022

De Hague University

Userzoom Academy Online Class 2022

Userzoom Academy

Learning how to create better studies for UX research using the tool Userzoom which also provides online UX classes

Graphic design Practices 2018

Dreamwork factory

Work & Experience

UX designer

Grandvision N.V

05/01/2022 - 11/30/2022

I redesign the by creating high-fidelity prototypes for their omnichannel e-commerce platform and conducting checkout experience CRO tests for their omnichannel e-commerce platform

UX/Ui designer

Tykn B.V

09/01/2020 - 01/31/2021

I collaborated with a product owner, developer, and senior UX designer to design user interfaces for their digital identity platform in order to appeal to the target market.


Ux designer
User researcher
User interface designer