
About Me

I am a machine learning engineer with 2 years experience building machine learning models. I have worked primarily with computer vision projects involving classification, detection, and segmentation. I currently pursuing a masters’ degree in Computer Science and AI. I would love to use my spare time (approximately 15 hours a week) to volunteer and contribute to a machine learning project.


MSc. Computer Science with AI 2023 - 2025

University of Wolverhampton

Work & Experience


09/04/2023 - 12/15/2023

Wrote frontend functions for different ML frameworks as unify functions. ML frameworks I worked with are TensorFlow, PyTorch, NumPy, and PaddlePaddle. This was part of the effort to ensure compatibility between the different frameworks. Researched and made contributions on potential graph compiler pathways to optimize graph compilations during training of ML models using the Ivy framework. Participated in weekly reading groups where we read and discussed new publications in ML which helped the whole team be up to date with developments in the ML space.

Research Fellow

International Livestock Research Institute

11/12/2018 - 12/11/2020

Developed data collection tools (e.g., questionnaires, focus group discussion guides). Developed standard operating procedures (SOPs) for milk sample collection, and sample analysis (bacterial culture, HPLC). Developed a literature management database in Excel to store literature sources and facilitate systematic extraction of data from the sources.