Muzhaffar Ahnaf

About Me

About Me

My name is Muzhaffar Ahnaf, a graduate in Urban and Regional Planning from the Faculty of Engineering at Brawijaya University. Throughout my college years, I became accustomed to creating plans based on available data. This experience sparked my interest in the field of data analysis. I firmly believe that with the power of data, significant transformations can be achieved. Motivated by this belief, I pursued additional studies in various disciplines and even enrolled in courses specifically focused on data analysis. Consequently, I am now eager to be a part of Skilled Up Life, as it provides a platform for my personal growth and continuous learning journey.



Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning 2023

Urban and Regional Planning

Urban and Regional Planning is a field of study that focuses on designing and shaping the physical, social, and economic aspects of cities and regions. In this course, students are exposed to various subjects and concepts related to urban development, land use, transportation, environmental sustainability, and community engagement. They learn how to analyze and interpret data, conduct research, and develop plans and policies to enhance the livability and functionality of urban areas. The curriculum also emphasizes the importance of considering factors such as population growth, infrastructure needs, and socio-cultural dynamics in the planning process. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical applications, students in Urban and Regional Planning gain the skills necessary to create well-designed, sustainable, and inclusive communities that cater to the needs of both present and future generations.

Work & Experience

Project Assistant

Rekakarya Gunatama

06/22/2020 - 06/01/2023

Developed transportation planning documents for over 15 locations including hospitals, shopping centers, tourist destinations, and industries across 7 cities. Analyzed data and creating projections for more than 20 road segments to handle future traffic management. Perform data analysis and projection of urban infrastructure services on 30+ roads


Batara Studio

10/01/2020 - 12/23/2020

Developed spatial Plan document for the Strategic Economic Area of Malang City with 200+ pages and published by the Government of Malang. Led a survey team of Spatial Plans for Strategic Economic Areas of Malang City to collect data on 10+ corridors in Malang City for 2 weeks


Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Power Point