Patience Idisi

About Me

I am Patience Idisi commonly called misspatidisi I am hardworking and very passionate about making impact wherever I find myself.

Welcome to my world of creativity and growth! 🌟
As a passionate Social Media and Digital Marketing Expert with a heart for education and entrepreneurship, I help businesses and entrepreneurs revolutionize their’ online presence and empower them with knowledge and tools to grow their brands.


Bachelor of Science and Education 2020

University of Lagos. Lagos Nigeria

I am a proud alumnus of the esteemed University of Lagos, where I pursued my passion for both business and education. In 2020, I successfully earned a Bachelor's degree in Business Education. Throughout my academic journey, I embraced a diverse curriculum that equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of core business principles and effective educational methodologies.

Work & Experience

Socail Media Manager

Good Hands Consult

01/01/2019 - 04/25/2023

Business strategy, Social media optimization, customer management