Qi(Lucy) Chen

About Me

My name is Qi, also go by Lucy. I am a recent graduate from the MCIT program at the University of Pennsylvania, where I successfully completed a diverse array of courses such as Data Structures & Software Design, Algorithms & Computation, Computer Systems Programming, and Big Data Analytics, achieving a commendable 3.8 GPA. My academic journey has nurtured in me a keen ability to diagnose challenges and craft innovative solutions for technology-related dilemmas.

Throughout my academic tenure, I actively engaged in numerous scholastic and extracurricular undertakings, encompassing a wide spectrum of technological domains. These ventures span from front-end and full-stack development employing prominent frameworks like React, Angular, and Spring Boot, to proficient utilization of Python and Tensorflow for intricate big data analysis. I’ve also delved into the intricacies of network programming utilizing C++.

At present, owing to my immigration status, I am regrettably unable to commence formal employment, despite having a standing job offer awaiting my availability. However, I am deeply committed to remaining proactive during this interim period. Thus, I am keen to invest my time in volunteer roles that offer assistance to companies and organizations in need of support. This endeavor not only allows me to utilize my skills meaningfully but also presents an invaluable opportunity for me to accrue practical experience through dedicated volunteering efforts.


Master of Computer and Information Technology, MCIT Online 2022

University of Pennsylvania, School of Engineering and Applied Science, USA

GPA: 3.8 / 4.0 Relevant Coursework: Data Structures and Software Design, Algorithms and computation, Computer Systems Programming, Big Data Analytics, Networked Systems

Master of Science in Energy Efficient and Sustainable Building 2015

Technical University of Munich TUM, Munich, Germany

Bachelor of Engineering in Building Services, Energy and Environment

Tongji University, Shanghai, China

Work & Experience

Volunteer software engineer

BookHere Ecommerce

06/01/2022 - 08/31/2022

• Developed an ecommerce application using JAVA Spring Boot, implemented server-side REST APIs using Spring Data and MySQL • Designed a single page front-end to integrate with back-end using Angular, hosted on AWS

Student software engineer in a team project

PennSearch | Team project for UPenn CIS 553 in group of 3

Designed and implemented a peer-to-peer search engine that runs over the Chord Distributed Hash Table using C++ • Improved search efficiency in Chord by implementing finger table

Student software engineer in a team project

Earth Surface Temperature Prediction Model | Team project for UPenn CIS 545 in group of 3

• Built ARIMA, Linear Regression and DNN models using TensorFlow to predict temperature in 3 years, analyzed and compared the accuracies between different models

student software engineer

Covid-19 Tracker | Sideproject

Built an interactive Dashboard using Angular which displays up-to-date COVID-19 statistics • Created maps and graphs using Google Chart API to visualize geographical distribution and current trends of the pandemic

student software developer in a team project

JAVA Snake Game (GitHub) | Team project for UPenn CIT 591 in group of 3

Developed a classic snake game with 3 difficulty levels and an adorable UI using JAVA Swing GUI


Multilingual in English, Mandarin and German
Spring Boot


AWS Certified Developer Associate 2022
Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer 2022