Lucky Uwaoma

About Me

Hi, I am Lucky by name. I am passionate about design thinking, customer experience, brand identity and e-learning. I seek opportunities that synergizes the world of product design (UIUX) with sustainable development solutions.

I wear a few hats.

As a trained content designer, I create design content for social media brand managers for their various platforms, ranging from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Vimeo, to update their audience about new features or to increase engagements through social media ads campaigns. In 2021/2022, I worked with over 10 brands in diverse fields of E-learning, Fintech, Agriculture, Laundry services, E-commerce, Fashion and cosmetics. I am a Canva expert, so I mostly use(d) the Canva design software to achieve all of these.

As a budding product designer, I am learning to identify gaps, create research problems, ideate for solutions through user research, create new features with seamless user experience that are usable, useful, equitable and enjoyable. I am a student of the Google x Coursera User Experience program and a certified participant of the UNICEF/Opportunityberman COVID-19 Design Thinking Challenge. I presently utilize Figma, Figjam, Canva, and Google docs tools to carry out my tasks.

Thank you.


B.A English and Theatre Arts 2019

University of Nigeria

Work & Experience

Lead Visual Designer


At Softlink, we have developed an all-in-one app to sell anything to anyone online. Create sales pages, choose from hundreds of beautiful templates, upload physical digital products, accept payment from anywhere in the world without writing a single line of code on both web and mobile platforms. Between 2021 (when I joined the team) and 2022, we have grown from 3000 users to 10,000 users using our platform for both local and foreign transactions to transform their businesses into digital workspace. - I work with the marketing team to note the new or upgraded app features and user experiences to aid the design of daily content for the product. - I interface with the brand manager and lead content writer to plan the content calendar for each week. - I create designs for social media campaigns or e-tutorials for customer success.

Content Designer

Digital Medium Africa


- I interface with the brand managers of the brands that are clients to the company, to plan and strategize their content calendar for each week. - I understand the goals and objectives of each of these brands through their operations and core values. - Then I create design content for these brands for adverts and social media.

Production Assistant

Content Clicke


Content Clicke is a sister-agency of Digital Medium Africa that meets brand needs through professional content creation in form of business video advertisements, product photography, creating a sales copies and building landing pages for steady conversion.- Join the team to organize production equipment and scenery for each production. - Deliver topnotch photos and videos content for corporate or personal client brands. - To also work with the video editors to ensure an excellent post-production process.

UI/UX Intern Finalist | Team Lead

Zuri Team, Incorporated

05/10/2022 - 08/27/2022

- application accepted for the I4G x Zuri internship programme with over 30k participants, and I made the final 2000+ participants that finished to graduation. - learnt and practiced in depth UIUX topics like design principles, laws of UX, User Research, Figma & Figjam, style guides, low/high fidelity protyping, and interaction - managed a production cycle by leading a team of 17 product designers and 8 full stack developers in a design project to build a favicon generator web platform in two weeks. - I interfaced between the product design leads and the developers' leads to ensure smooth collaboration between the two units. - edited and designed the design slides for the team's video presentations. - though we experienced some issues with our backend implementation and some functionalities, yet we finished successfully.


Google Tools
Photography and Videography
Emotional Intelligence
Adobe After Effects
Canva Animations


Best Student in Fine Art 2013
Was awarded best student in Fine Art in High School