
About Me

Hello, my name is a Liri. I’m Undergraduated Bachelor of Nutritionist from Brawijaya University.
4+ years experienced as Nutrition Manager and Education as Team Nusantara Sehat for the Indonesian Ministry of Health, 2 years in Malacca Regency, East Nusa Tenggara and 2 years in Padang Pariaman Regency, West Sumatra.

Strong background Community Nutrition (building relationships, knowledgeable in providing comprehensive nutritional services to clients, communities and fellow professionals, as well as family coaching programs, collaborative teams and have good stakeholder building experience).

Having a good knowledge of GMP, Food Safety (FSSC), BRC, HACCP, and ISO 22000. A person who is always enthusiastic about learning something new, responsible, having a strong analytical thinking and able to work in a team or independently.

Reach me through [email protected]



Nutrition Science

I obtained my Bachelor of Nutrition degree from Universitas of Brawijaya and became a registered nutritionist with a concentration in Clinical Nutrition. My thesis, titled "The Effect of Giving Edamame Dadiah Pudding (Puldot Dimame) Against Fasting Blood Glucose Levels", with very significant results

Nutrition 2015

Padang Health Ministry of Health Polytechnic

I graduated as an Nutritionist in Health Nutrition from the Poltekkes Kemenkes Padang with a concentration in Clinical Nutrition and received a cumlaude predicate. My thesis, titled "The Impact of Giving Snakehead Fish Extract on Clinical Symptoms (Blood Pressure, Proteinurine, and Edema) in Preeclampsia Patients in the Obstetrics Department of Dr. M. Djamil Hospital Padang in 2015. While studying, I was involved in the Student Senate of the Poltekkes Kemenkes Padang as well as Secretary of the Health Nutrition Student Association. I got the best campus scholarship as a student with academic and non-academic achievements. Upon graduation, I immediately gained work experience at Ministry of Health of the Republic Indonesia for Nusantara Sehat Nutrition Workers.


Nutrition Educator
Nutrition Care Process
Microsoft Office
English of ITP Test


NS Leadership Program Awardee 2020-2022
Undergraduate Transfer at Universitas Brawijaya with Study Assignment Scholarship from the Nusantara Sehat of the Ministry of Health
the best campus scholarship as a student with academic and non-academic achievements 2015
I got the best campus scholarship as a student with academic and non-academic achievements. Upon graduation, I immediately gained work experience at Ministry of Health of the Republic Indonesia for Nusantara Sehat Nutrition Workers.
Antologi Nusantara Sehat #2 2021
Antologi ini ditulis untuk menginformasikan kepada pembaca tentang bagaimana keadaan sosio-demografi, budaya, dan kejadian tragis yang dialami oleh petugas kesehatan Tim Nusantara Sehat, dari berbagai macam angkatan ataupun lokasi khusus. Dari beberapa cerita yang tertulis menunjukan bahwa potret budaya dan alam yang menjadi tempat kerja mereka, adalah gambaran tentang timpangnya kesetaraan di negara Indonesia ini. Dipenuhi beberapa kisah yang haru merupakan keadaan yang sebenarnya. Demi kemanusiaan, tanpa ada ketersinggungan soal agama, adat, warna kulit, dan perdebatan yang menghalangi kita untuk bisa saling tolong menolong. Cerita-cerita eksotis ini memiliki gaya tulisan dan warna cerita masing-masing. Silahkan saja para pembaca menyukai mana-mana saja sajian kami yang terangkum dalam buku ini. Tentunya ini bukan kompetisi menulis, tetapi kami mencoba untuk merekam apa yang kami rasakan dan alami sebaik mungkin selama kami terhubung dengan program Nusantara Sehat yang mulia ini. Terimakasih
the 1st Best Community Health Center Achievement 2019
Certificate of Appreciation for the 1st Best Community Health Center Achievement in the Implementation of the Nutrition Surveillance Program Through the E-PPGBM Application