Leonardo Gereks

About Me

Passionate about technology and data, I am currently transitioning my career to become a software developer. With a degree in Public Administration from UDESC, I discovered a great interest in data analysis during my studies, which led me to pursue software development.

2022.2, I had the opportunity to take a professional qualification of web development course at SENAI/SC. I am continuously improving my skills and knowledge, and seeking opportunities as software developer, with a particular focus on Java, Spring Boot, and React technologies.


Web Development Analyst 2022


Web development qualification course with a focus on Java, Spring, and React.

Bachelor Public Administration 2022


Graduated in Public Administration from UDESC, with a final project focused on data analysis, mapping the socioeconomic profile of municipalities in the far west of Santa Catarina. - Dashboard link https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiZDQxNzEzNzUtYWYzZC00OTg2LTkyZmItZDkyM2M0NGM0ZmFkIiwidCI6Ijk4OTkxNTEyLTRmYTEtNDc0Yi04ODA3LTg3Y2UwYjJmZmYzZSJ9

Work & Experience

Landing Page - Peixaria Emanuel

Peixaria emanuel

09/02/2022 - 09/12/2022

Landing page for a local commerce, developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Personal project - Supermarket API


12/01/2022 - 12/20/2022

API developed using Spring Boot (Java) with integration to a PostgreSQL database and documentation created using Springfox Swagger for mapping the CRUD endpoints. The endpoints were tested using Postman.

Personal project - Game Awards API

DIO Bootcamp

12/21/2022 - 12/30/2022

Project developed using Spring Boot (Java) for a Game Awards 2022 themed CRUD. The API provides endpoints that allow users to create, list, update, and delete games stored in an H2 database. The documentation was created using Springfox Swagger.