Jasmine Lee

About Me

Eager and passionate designer with a background in graphic design, web design and multimedia
design. Looking for next role within an web/app or product design space to utilise my
design/UX.UI skills and enhance experience within mobile, tablet and web-based devices. You can view my portfolio here: https://jasminelee.webflow.io/. 


Master of Sciences in New Media 2021-2022

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

-Learn about conducting content and audience research and apply this knowledge in designing strategic information campaigns using new media, conduct formative evaluation in the effectiveness of new media campaigns -hands-on training in multimedia design, web development and user interface design, data analytics

Bachelor of Arts with Honours in English and Comparative Literature 2017-2021

Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Graduated with First Honour

Work & Experience

Multimedia Designer


06/06/2021 - 06/01/2022

-Sole multimedia designer for an in-house company -Worked with Marketing & Engineer team to redesign company website and created a variety of prototypes, layouts and presentation material for pitch work -Designed promotional graphics and brand assets

Freelance UI designer


12/30/2021 - 06/01/2022

-Worked on various freelance design projects for a range of clients. Developed branding, websites, logos and UI materials for clients -Developed presentation and management skills

Project Coordinator Intern

The Irish Council

06/01/2020 - 07/01/2022

-Worked in a branding team to conduct various marketing materials, and focused on the visuals of the company website -Liaise with media to maximise Irish council’s exposure -Provide translation and interpretation supports in both Chinese and English


Adobe Creative Suite


Auckland University of Technology X Challenge entrepreneurship competition 2020
-As the sole UX/UI designer in the team, my role is to do user research, design and build the wireframes and prototypes of the app -my team's financial budget app entered the top ideas
Dean's List 2017,2018,2020
Occupational Safety & Health Council Poster Design Competition Merit Award 2016
Social Welfare Department Badge Design Competition Merit Award 2016