
About Me

My name is Muhammad Farras Iqtisam, a graduate of the Jakarta State Polytechnic Broadband Multimedia Study Program. I work as an Application Support Analyst and have an interest in UI/UX Design, I am participating in the Opportunity Connector UI/UX Design program at Purwadhika Digital Technology School, and you can check my portfolio in UI/UX design below.

1. Webiste : https://www.figma.com/proto/9mLChsuWQZZdE7U0Vz0Cho/Muhammad-Farras-Iqtisam—Website-Portfolio?page-id=0%3A1&type=design&node-id=237-21337&viewport=626%2C388%2C0.2&t=WR1QYNd2BD60BmzY-1&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=237%3A21337&mode=design

2. PDF : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mwXA8u_AnWATm5EDrt1dCItQhXGpRgtG/view?usp=sharing

3. Behance : https://www.behance.net/farrasiqtsm


Bachelor Degree 2016-2020

State Polytechnics of Jakarta

Graduated with a Bachelor degree majoring in Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications, Broadband Multimedia Study Program with GPA : 3.30

Non Degree 2023

Purwadhika DIgital Technology School (UI/UX Design)

1. Learn about the basic concepts of UI/UX design 2. Learn the concepts and implementations of UX Research commonly used by the industry. 3. Learn visual and user interface principles, including basic elements in UI/UX Design, such as UI Elements, UI Patterns, and Brand Platforms. guided to create a Design Language System (including icons, typography, buttons, and navigation systems). These things are important for a more effective workflow as a UI/UX designer. 4. Learn how to create wireframes and design prototypes from basic to advanced (lo-fidelity to hi-fidelity). 5. Learn about UI design concepts: an interface that fits the developer logic, coupled with a designer's aesthetic. 6. Learn how to do usability testing and front end development.

Work & Experience

Application Support

Agile Technica


Responsibilities : -provide technical support for application in projects that are assigned -respond to support inquiries in projects that are assigned -shall maintain and prioritise open issues in projects that are assigned -shall provide a monthly support summary report in projects that are assigned -shall assist Software Developers in fixing or reproducing a bug in projects that are assigned

MS Service Desk Coordinator


04/19/2021 - 07/27/2022

Key Roles And Responsibilities -Receive client requests and at times be required to perform first line fault diagnostics on client networks and servers -Ensure the correct escalation procedure is followed on all critical calls and requests -Assist with analysing and interpreting escalation requests to ensure the correct categorisation and prioritisation -Ensure users are kept updated on the progress in relation to the resolution of the fault -Keep accurate records of faults, including the client’s information


UI/UX Fundamental
UI/UX Research, Ideate, Define & Design Sprint
Designing, Ideate, & Information Architecture
UI/UX Design