Jonathan Andrian

About Me

Hi, my name is Jonathan Andrian – I am an Application Security Professional that has a deep passion in web applications and its technical processes! I also have a deep passion for learning new technologies on my own – that being said, I am self-learned and everything I do is purely out of passion, meaning everything I do is being implemented at home and my day to day life!

Although I get a kick out of learning, I purely enjoy mentoring students, young adults, older adults… whoever it may be. My interests in teaching are related to cyber security topics such as Application Security, Vulnerability Management, Web Application functionalities, Programming, Servers, and more. I tackle things from a fundamental perspective by teaching the basics, mastering the fundamentals, and then build further from there.

My goal is to continue to educate and motivate students to be aware of the vulnerabilities out there in this digital age we live in. While hacking and exploiting vulnerabilities is awesome, I believe we must take a step by step process in order to understand the core basics of our technology and what it means to be security aware.