
About Me

I am a passionate digital product designer with more than 2 years of experience in creative design-related fields. I am a fast learner with comprehensive design tools mastery such as Figma, whimsical, maze, etc. I am used to handling much creative-related work such as design, content creation, and writing and working in a collaborative environment. However, with a strong will, passion, and dedication to design, I am sure I’ll be a good product designer.


Industrial Engineering 2019-2023

Abdullah Gul University

Full Stack UI UX Design 2023

Rakamin Academy

This is a Bootcamp program where I acquired product designers skills in end-to-end design processes, from UX research to Prototype an test

Work & Experience

Graphic Designer

IQR Foundation

04/01/2020 - 04/01/2021

Used to work in a creative and agile environment and collaborate with various departments which requires good communication skills. Hence I can create a design with a targeted audience and fruitful pieces of information.

Creative Designer

Nirunabi Foundation

02/01/2023 - 06/30/2023

I am used to handling creative-related activities such as planning content with targeted audiences, planning creative work such as taking photos, videos, and documents, and also working with cross-functional departments to make the company's brand design.