
About Me

I have substantial experience in developing and programming mobile applications for production. One notable project I worked on is the SiMala Apps, which was created and deployed for production by the West-Kalimantan Regional Police in the Medical and Health Sector. Additionally, I possess expertise in data science and machine learning gained through my thesis project. I built a machine learning model and successfully deployed it on a website. Furthermore, I have developed other models for learning purposes, aiming to deepen my understanding of AI and machine learning. I am an enthusiastic learner of mathematics, programming, and machine learning, and I aspire to pursue a career as an AI Practitioner. My ultimate goal is to gain further knowledge and experience in the field of AI and programming as a whole.


S.Kom 2018-2023

Pontianak Muhammadiyah University

Bachelor's Degree Education in Informatics

Work & Experience


West Borneo Regional Police

04/06/2022 - 05/18/2022

I work as an intern in the Public Relation Department of West Borneo Regional Police. I got placed in the field for handling social media, design and managing website.

Lab Assistant

Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak

08/14/2022 - 01/18/2023

I worked as Computer Lab Assistant.


Mobile Programming
Web Programming
Data Analysis
Machine Learning


First Place for West Borneo Regional Short Movie Festival 2022
I win the award for the first place in the short movie festival competition. This is a team competition and my role is Assistant Director.