Epistimis LLC

Epistimis is about Privacy First Design
We supply tools to developers to enable them to design privacy in from the very beginning. These tools enable developers, product managers, CISOs, inside counsel and outside counsel to all work together to reduce risk of violating privacy, discrimination and other laws.

Other compliance tools fall into several camps – many generate compliance reports. Some attempt to guess what your code is doing via code scans (typically driven by Regexes or ML).  Some do both. The problem with the code scan/ reverse engineering approach is that you’re always playing catchup. It may be necessary if you’ve got a huge installed base of code – but it doesn’t get rid of the risk.

Epistimis is complementary to those compliance solutions. Epistimis Modeling Tools (EMT) help you design privacy in from the beginning.  EMT’s focus is to enable you to specify the data you intend to use and how you intend to use it – then tell you if you’re breaking any rules (privacy, discrimination, etc.) in the jurisdictions where you plan to do business. As the rules change, EMT will tell you if what used to be OK isn’t anymore. EMT is useful whether you intend to write software or not. It doesn’t matter if EMT users intend to write code using a standard 3GL, use no code tools, or implement a paper process – in every case, you still need to know if your process will break the rules. If it does, then it needs to change. EMT let’s you know.

EMT can provide evidence to reporting tools. If you’re just starting out, it can be baked into your dev process from the beginning. EMT can be used to model existing code as well, with the results merged into your code base on the time frame that works for you.

If you want technical details, look at our Github: https://github.com/Epistimis

Team Member

Steve Hickman
