
Eatiful at a Glance

Eatiful is a revolutionary new way to lose weight that blends mindful eating and CBT to change how people eat, not what people eat for enjoyable, sustainable weight loss. Founded by seasoned tech entrepreneur Katie Lips, Eatiful creates and leverages powerful behavioural data to understand each member’s unique weight loss needs.

The Eatiful Method is available to all members for free, while low-cost subscriptions attract members who want more in-depth support. Competing on efficacy, cost and convenience, Eatiful has something for everyone who’s previously been failed by diets. Eatiful is in early alpha and is testing a range of products and features with awesome alpha users who are already losing weight.

The Customer Problem

Diets don’t work. People with unwanted weight know that diets have failed them. Yet most weight loss programs, even the ones that say they’re about behaviour change like noom and Weight Watchers, are, in fact, diets. They offer recipes and meal plans and tell people what to eat. Yet telling people what to eat doesn’t work. Diets are notoriously unsuccessful because restricting what you eat is unpleasant and therefore unsustainable. Many people who’ve been failed by diets simply give up.

Our Innovative Solution

Our research tells us that many people overeat at every meal. Overeating has little or nothing to do with what people are eating, and everything to do with how people are eating. We can stop overeating by changing HOW people eat, not WHAT people eat, and by doing that, we can reverse weight gain. Eatiful blends mindful eating and CBT to change the HOW, not the WHAT. We help people enjoy food more, lose weight and improve their health and happiness.

Team Member

Katie Lips
