Aziz Fajar Setiawan

About Me

I was an experienced 3 years as GIS Analyst that aspiring to be the back end developer or software enginer for my new role


Bachelor of Engineering 2014 - 2019

University of Lampung

Geophysical Engineering

Work & Experience

GIS Analyst

PT Sucofindo Branch Tarakan

10/03/2022 - 01/27/2023

Creating and completing various types of maps required in environmental impact analysis activities in accordance with applicable requirements and regulations is one of the responsibilities of a GIS specialist. This includes mapping topography, hydrology, vegetation, and soil structure to identify the current environmental conditions.

GIS Consultant

Agricultural Department of Mesuji Regency

04/18/2022 - 12/13/2022

- Collect relevant data for recommending sustainable food agricultural land protection, - Analyze the collected geospatial data using GIS software, and - Create thematic maps and report presenting recommending sustainable food agricultural land protection.

Geospatial Specialist

PT Lampung Geosains Survei

08/05/2019 - 01/28/2022

- Cartographer of Various Maps - Vector and Raster Data Analyst and Interpreter - Optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Satellite Imagery Data Analyst and Interpreter


Advance Technician / Analyst of Geographic Information Systems


2nd Place at Geoscience Atmosphere 2017 Survey Design Competition 2017
2nd Place at Geoscience Atmosphere 2017 Survey Design Competition, Issued by Geophysichal Engineering - Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology